Joint Standards Committee |
6 July 2021 |
Report of the Monitoring Officer |
Update on recruitment of Independent Persons
This report provides the Joint Standards Committee with an update on the recruitment process for Independent Persons for the Committee.
City of York Council is required by law to appoint at least one Independent person whose views must be sought before it makes a decision following an investigation into a complaint that the Code of Conduct may have been breached. Under the Joint Standards Committee’s procedures the Independent persons are also consulted whenever a complaint is received and their views taken into account in determining whether a complaint should be investigated. The Independent Persons are also invited to participate in meetings of the Committee and Sub Committees.
On the Committee’s recommendation the Council has appointed two Independent Persons. Whilst this allows for any occasion when one of them may feel that they have a conflict of interest, there is still scope for additional resilience if a third Independent Person could also be appointed.
Mr David Laverick has provided invaluable assistance over a longer period of time and his term of office as an Independent Person is now overdue. Ms Angharad Davies has indicated that she does not wish to extend her term of office to a further 4 years, again Ms Davies has provided much needed support and assistance during her appointment. A process of identifying a successor is now underway. That process includes:
· An advertisement on the Council’s website in the jobs section.
· A press release has been requested.
· An email to all Members advising them of the vacancy.
The closing date for the role is 11 July 2021, with a provisional date for interviews set for week commencing 26 July 2021. The final decision will rest with Full Council, but the process adopted previously of a panel comprising Members of the Committee interviewing applicants and making a recommendation to Full Council worked well. If Members are minded to support that process then it is suggested that a Panel consisting of the Chair and Vice Chair of Joint Standards Committee, the Monitoring Officer and Deputy Monitoring Officer is proposed (subject to their being no conflict with applicants and the Panel).
Not applicable to this report.
Human Resources (HR)
Not applicable to this report.
The Equality Act 2010 places specific duties on Local Authorities, and Members, including Members of the Joint Standards Committee and Independent Members who play a vital role in ensuring that equality issues are integral to the aims and performance of a Local Authority.
As detailed within the report.
Crime and Disorder, Information Technology and Property
Not applicable to this report.
1. Thank Mr Laverack and Ms Davies for their continuing contribution to the work of the Committee.
2. Agree the appointment of an interview Panel.
Author: Rachel Antonelli Senior Solicitor & Interim Deputy Monitoring Officer |
Chief Officer Responsible for the report: Janie Berry Director of Governance & Monitoring Officer Tel: 01904 555385 |
Tel: 01904 551043 |
Report Approved |
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Date |
28 June 2021 |
Specialist Implications Officer(s): |
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For further information please contact the author of the report |
Background Papers: